To the Point Classification of Sedimentary Rocks

Definition Types and Classification of Sedimentary Rocks.

Sedimentary Rocks Characteristics.

Sedimentary Rocks are formed by deposition and compaction of mineral grains derived from other rocks.

sedimentary rocks are formed by the agency of Wind, Water, and Ice.

Mostly Sedimentary rocks begin their existence as loose deposits of sand, or gravels, At the bottom of the sea or lake. Later on, those sediments are lithified into a rock called sedimentary rock.

Sedimentary Rocks are classified into two major types.

  1. Organic Sedimentary Rock
  2. Inorganic Sedimentary Rock

01. Organic Sedimentary Rock

The Organic Sedimentary Rocks are classified into four types:
  •  Calcareous Rocks.
  •  Carbonaceous rocks.
  •  Siliceous Rock.
  •  Ferruginous Rocks.

Calcareous Rocks: 

Calcareous Sedimentary rocks are formed by the remains of shell organisms, such as Corrals, and Shell fishes, etc. 
Calcareous deposits are formed when water is evaporated, leaving behind deposits of Lime, Limestone, Chalk, and Dolomite.

Carbonaceous Rocks:  

The Rocks are formed from the remains of vegetative matter, swamps, and forest, etc.
Carbonaceous Rocks having more carbon content are mostly formed by Plantlife.

Siliceous Rocks  

The Rocks are Formed from remains of animals such as Sponges, radiolarian, and Plants such as diatoms, etc.

Ferruginous Rocks:

Formed from the decomposed vegetative matter, which is produced by bacterial organisms.

02. Inorganic Sedimentary Rocks

Inorganic Sedimentary Rocks are classified into two types.
  1.      Chemically formed Rocks.
  2.      Mechanically Formed Rocks.

Mechanically formed Sedimentary Rocks are further classified into three types:

Arenaceous Rocks: -

  • Rocks are formed from sand, which accounts for 70% of Rock.
  • Sandy Stone is the most familiar example of Arenaceous, a sedimentary rock that is made from sand grains and often quarts fragments are derived from granite.

Audacious Rocks

Audacious Sedimentary Rocks are coarsest and elastic sedimentary rocks, which are made of pebbles and sometimes even boulders.

Argillaceous Rocks

Argillaceous rocks are primarily made of clay with very minute sized particles.


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