Nutrition Autotrophic Heterotrophic
On the basis of getting food, organisms mainly can be classified into two types; those who make their own food, and others who consume them.
Therefore, organisms which make their own food without taking harm to other organisms are called Autrophs, which includes Plants, and Green algae, these are also called as phototroph because they get food using Sunlight to make their food called Photosynthesis.
The Organisms which get their food from the environment using other organisms are called heterotroph or consumers these organisms include Primary Herbivores, Carnivores, Omnivores, and Decomposers.
they are are also divided into primary, secondary and tertiary consumers.
Types of Nutrition
There are two types of Nutrition
Autotrophic Nutrition
Heterotrophic Nutrition
(i) Autotrophic Nutrition:
When the living organisms manufacture their own food material it is called Autotrophic nutrition and the living organisms are known as an autotroph.
There are two types of Autotrophic Nutrition:
a) Phototrophic Nutrition
b) Chemotrophic Nutrition
a) Phototrophic Nutrition:-
In this Nutrition, the living organisms manufacture their food in the presence of sunlight, this type of Nutrition is found in Plants Algae and some Bacterias.
b) Chemotrophic Nutrition:-
This type of Nutrition is also common in Bacteria, in this nutrition light is not used, but certain organic substances are involved to produce energy by the oxidation process.
The bacteria use inorganic compounds as a source of carbon and get energy by oxidation, and reduction process.
They oxidize the compounds like Nitrate, Sulfur, Ammonia, Ferrous Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide, etc.
(ii) Heterotrophic Nutrition :
When living organisms can not produce their own food, and they depend upon other organisms for their food, it is called heterotrophic nutrition and those living organisms are known as Heterotrophs. Heterotrophs can be Parasites or Saprophytes.
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